My Story

Born and raised in South Carolina, I’m fortunate to still call the Palmetto State home. I live in the historic but rapidly growing city of Charleston, alongside my wife, Hannah, and our daughter, Nora.

“The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really  good days.”

- Ray Wylie Hubbard

I grew up in a rural community surrounded by extended family. Memories of my early life play in a mostly blissful reel of fishing poles, hound dogs, vegetable gardens, ball games and family get-togethers.

In some ways, I grew up like a half-boy / half-dog, dollar store Davy Crockett. I was always outside, always sweaty and dirty, and endlessly adventurous.

I’m a bit domesticated now, even by my own standards. These days I live in a subdivision, drive a sedan and drink cold brew coffee. Life comes at you fast.

Ebbs and flows of time and circumstance carried me away from much of what made my childhood special and made me, well, “Me.”

Thankfully, those ever-shifting tides have brought me back again to realize things that were true of my identity 20-plus years ago are true still.

I’m family-focused and find my greatest contentment and joy alongside my wife, my daughter, and our friends.

I find peace and contentment outdoors, whether in nature or simply in my backyard around our garden.


I am a lifelong outdoorsman, passionate about issues central to conservation of our natural resources.

I support several conservation organizations through memberships, donations, and direct volunteer involvement.



I came into this hobby by accident. It started as a job responsibility but is has become one of my greatest joys. It allows me to be outdoors pursuing nature’s gifts in a way that I can then artfully share them with others. It also bestows upon me a special trust among friends and loved ones to preserve their special memories.


I like to sing and play guitar as an expressive outlet. I’m not much for writing my own music, but I did enjoy playing a few bar gigs during and after college. These days I do most of my playing for my “home audience” and my church.


I have a limited repertoire of specialties, but when I make up my mind to cook them — it’s an event. I love the ritual, and attention to detail in attempting to take a standard dish to the next level of taste and experience.

Fossil hunting

South Carolina is rich with vertebrate fossils from marine and terrestrial animals. I can happily spend hours in a shallow creek sifting through handfuls of gravel or walking along a beach searching for shark teeth from 20 million years ago.

(Please enjoy a few family “slice of life” photos below.)